Scientific Literature: Searchable Database

Report of the Workshop on the scientific aspects of managing whale watching; Montecastello Di Vibio, Italy






IFAW; Tethys Research Institute; Europe Conservation




education, guiding, whale watching


28 scientists and 5 observers from 12 countries met in Italy to discuss the scientific aspects of managing whale-watching. The goal of the workshop was to produce (1) a framework to guide the process of defining new rules and modifying existing rules for whale-watching, (2) a list of recommendations for further research (including monitoring the impacts of whale watching) and (3) a discussion of further relevant topics. The report is intended primarily for use by scientists to help offer advice to managers and operators. Participants agreed that hit is difficult to interpret short term impacts of whale-watching that have been measured in studies conducted to date. There is little evidence to show that short term impacts have any relation to possible long term impacts, and there is a need for experimental research that will lead to a better understanding of the link between short and long term impacts of whale watching. Because evidence of impacts is difficult to obtain, a precautionary approach is strongly recommended, and initial common-sense rules are suggested.
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