Scientific Literature: Searchable Database

Impacts of Marine Mammal Tourism


Bearzi, Maddalena



Book title

Ecotourism’s Promise and Peril: A Biological Evaluation


Blumstein, Daniel T.; Geffroy, Benjamin; Samia, Diogo S. M.; Bessa, Eduardo

Place Published







disturbance, dolphin watching, impact, marine mammal, Sustainability, Threats, tourism, whale watching


Marine mammal-based ecotourism is a well-established industry, and its pillar, whale watching, represents the most significant economic activity for many coastal communities. The fast growth of this business is due to the broad appeal that these charismatic, large animals have on many people and to coastal habitats that make some of them readily accessible. The benefits of marine mammal-based ecotourism are many and span from a better appreciation of the marine environment to sustaining local economies. The popularity of this form of marine tourism has, however, recently put in doubt its sustainability. Many species of marine mammals, at sea and on land, have been negatively affected by whale-watching and other tourism-related activities. In some cases, this “benign” ecotourism is becoming an additional threat to the survival of these animals. This chapter looks at this industry’s economic impact, its benefits and values, the negative effects on target species, and how we can mitigate negative impacts so that the welfare of marine mammals can be protected while visitors and operators alike benefit from ecotourism.
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