Scientific Literature: Searchable Database

A decade of whale watching in an important tourist destination in the Pacific coast of Colombia: Challenges for proper management


Avila, I. C.; Ortega, L.F.; Pretel, C.; Mayor, G.




Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals


Colombia, Economic factors, guidelines, management, Monitoring, regulation, vessel speed, whale watching


Uramba Bahía Málaga Natural National Park is one of the most important places visited by tourists to see humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Colombia. Humpback whales arrive from Southern Chile and the Antarctic Peninsula every year between May and December to reproduce, give birth and rear calves. To evaluate the current state of whale-watching in Málaga we analyzed tourist visitation data from 2011 to 2019 during the peak whale-watching season (July–October), and during one week in October 2020. We found that whale-watching activity has increased considerably. In 2019, 21,186 tourists realized whale watching in Málaga. Whale watchers per month increased by 108% and monthly whale-watching boat trips increased by 140%, in the last decade. Currently there are in average 19 boat trips per day (±18.0), and most boats are small (
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