Scientific Literature: Searchable Database

Protective Regulations for Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act


Department of Commerce




Federal Register








dolphin watching, hawaii, legislation, management, regulation, Spinner dolphin, stenella longirostris, swim with dolphins, whale watching


We, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), propose regulations under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) to prohibit swimming with and approaching a Hawaiian spinner dolphin within 50 yards (45.7 m) (for persons, vessels, and objects), including approach by interception. These proposed regulatory measures are intended to prevent take of Hawaiian spinner dolphins from occurring in marine areas where viewing pressures are most prevalent; prohibitions would apply in waters within 2 nautical miles (nm; 3.7 km) of the Hawaiian Islands and in the waters between the islands of Lanai, Maui, and Kahoolawe. This proposed rule to establish 50-yard swim-with and approach regulations would help ensure public compliance by providing clear notice of prohibited conduct that results in take, including harassment and disturbance. Although unauthorized take of marine mammals, including harassment of spinner dolphins, already is and continues to be prohibited under the MMPA throughout their range, the purpose of this regulation is to identify and prohibit specific human activities that result in take (including harassment) of spinner dolphins, and thus reduce disturbance and disruption of important Hawaiian spinner dolphin behaviors in areas where humandolphin interactions are most likely to occur. These proposed regulations would reduce take of Hawaiian spinner dolphins and the impact of human viewing and interaction on these animals in the Main Hawaiian Islands (MHI). We developed this proposed rule after considering comments submitted in response to an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR), as well as information received during the public scoping period for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), from community meetings, and from a dedicated scientific research project. Although not currently part of this proposal, we are also considering whether additional management measures may be necessary and appropriate to protect Hawaiian spinner dolphins from take, especially in essential daytime habitats that are regularly targeted by humans for dolphin-directed activities. Accordingly, we are soliciting public comment on the proposed swim-with and approach regulations, as well as alternative management options discussed in this rule and in detail in the DEIS.
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